Ferdzdecena.com relaunched

It’s been almost a year since I launched this personal website. I first named the site as lightscape.net but after a while thought that it’s another branding and identity issue I have to work again on so why not bank on my own name instead, even how little known it may be? I changed the url but retained the design and content of the site. Now, I think it’s about time I refined this site to serve a much bigger and professional purpose. Not only adding a portfolio but a blog as well. I was intending to relaunch the site last Easter but had to attend to business matters first. But as they say, it’s better late than never. So I welcome you to the relaunch of ferdzdecena.com

Redesign Concepts
It took me at least 2 months to work on a design for the site. I was actually thinking of something simple and functional thus the layout. I decided to use my own signature, scanning and cleaning it up and adding the splash as my logo to make it really personal and have my imprint on it. I also had an obstacle in coding the design due to an Internet Explorer bug but found a way to work around it but I would still recommend using Firefox and Safari for their color management features which can’t be found on any other browser. There are still a lot of refinements ahead, especially on the blog section which I’ll be working on in the next few days.

Portfolio Loco
I think the hardest part in building this site is the Portfolio. First it’s defining the categories which also somehow defines your specialization in photography. Second is choosing the actual photos which defines me, the photographer. It’s really tempting to go all out and display all your favorite photos there but it’s a lot more challenging in limiting which photos to show that will definitely define your body of work.

Taking inspiration from viewing the portfolios of photographers I admire like Bob Krist, Steve Mccurry, Jay Dickman and Annie Griffiths Belt, I somehow learned that I’m still miles away from their bodies of work but inspired me how I chose the photos to put in my gallery.

Adding a Blog
Not to replace my foremost blog Ironwulf.net En Route, this Digital Dispatches Blog will work much like Bob Krist’s Photo Traveler Blog. Here, I’ll be talking more about my work as a photographer, some behind the scenes look on some photo assignments, working projects, my photo techniques, a look at my gears, some reading reviews and other things I feel like writing.

Taking Off
I’m glad to have finally launched this new site as it offers a lot of possibilties for me to explore personally. There are still some things to work on but I’m excited to just get this out to the world and do hope you enjoy your time here.



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