
  • Common Birds in Urban Manila

    Common Birds in Urban Manila

    Just when I was really getting deep into birding and bird photography, COVID-19 pandemic happened. Suddenly we’re the ones locked up like a cage in our own houses looking out to the wild birds outside. Luckily, if you have a garden or a backyard that’s a luxury enough to enjoy the activity, but for others…

  • The White’s Thrush of La Mesa Eco Park

    The White’s Thrush of La Mesa Eco Park

    Since the start of the year, my facebook timeline had been bombarded by photos of this scaly white bird found at the La Mesa Eco Park in Quezon City. It’s the White’s Thrush, my birding friends label. A fascinating migrant bird temporarily making the mini-forest of the park as its home. Last weekend, I finally…

  • Centro Estetico by Dr H : HydraFacial and RevLite Laser Treatment

    Centro Estetico by Dr H : HydraFacial and RevLite Laser Treatment

    We all need skin care treatment one way or another. Especially for people like us who travel a lot. We get to be exposed to the sun more often. And it’s no secret that the sun is one cause for skin to prematurely age, be damaged or worse, cause skin cancer. I may not have…

  • What should good brand tracking do?

    What should good brand tracking do?

    Brand tracking in extremely basic terms shows you how your brand is performing with consumers. It should also highlight how similar brands are also performing with consumers. As well as showing you generally, how your brand is performing in the whole market. In this article though, we will look at what good brand tracking should…

  • 4 Types of Design Aided by Technology

    4 Types of Design Aided by Technology

    Although you might traditionally think of design having more of a connection to pen and paper than technology, there are many modern ways in which technology helps designers to improve and establish their skills and work. This article will cover some of the main elements of design and how technology aids designers in these factions…

  • Key skills needed to be a Probation Officer

    Key skills needed to be a Probation Officer

    Probation officer jobs are no walk in the park, that’s for sure. You will often find yourself in very stressful, aggravating situations. In this article, we will analyze three main key skills needed to be a probation officer. This will help give context to why these skills are needed, and hopefully help you understand whether…

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